
url handler

🔝 REserve documentation

Answers the request by forwarding it to a different URL. It does not use the HTTP status code 302. The external URL is requested internally and the internal response is piped to the incoming response.

Example :

  "match": "^/proxy/(https?)/(.*)",
  "url": "$1://$2",
  "unsecure-cookies": true

Example of mapping with the url handler


[!CAUTION] It must redirect to an absolute URL.


option type default description
unsecure-cookies boolean false When true, secured cookies are converted to unsecure ones. Hence, the browser will keep them even if not running on https.
ⓘ this applies before forward-response
forward-request ExternalModule |
((context: ForwardRequestContext) => Promise<void>
- when specified, the hook is called before generating the forward request. See below.
forward-response ExternalModule |
((context: ForwardResponseContext) => Promise<RedirectResponse>)
- When specified, the hook is called after sending the forward request but before writing the current request’s response. See below.
ignore-unverifiable-certificate boolean false When true, the request does not fail when contacting a server which SSL certificate can not be verified.
absolute-location boolean false When true, any relative location header is made absolute to the redirected URL.
ⓘ this applies before forward-response

[!IMPORTANT] The context parameter is a unique object (one per request) allocated to link the forward-request and forward-response callbacks. It enables request-centric communication between the two: whatever members you add on it during the forward-request callback will be kept and transmitted to the forward-response callback.


This hook is called before generating the forward request.

The expected signature is :

async function ({ configuration, context, mapping, match, request, incoming })

With :

Changing the request properties will impact the forward request.

[!CAUTION] Do not consume the incoming request body or it won’t be available for the forward request.


This hook is called after sending the forward request but before writing the result to the current request’s response.

The expected signature is :

async function ({ configuration, context, mapping, match, request, statusCode, headers })

With :

If the request’s method was GET or HEAD, it is possible to trigger an internal redirection by returning a value from this hook.