

🔝 REserve documentation

From the beginning, REserve includes an helper to build tests.

interface MockedResponse extends ServerResponse {
  toString: () => string
  waitForFinish: () => Promise<void>
  isInitial: () => boolean
  setAsynchronous: () => void

type MockedRequestDefinition = {
  method?: string,
  url: string,
  headers?: Headers,
  body?: string,
  properties?: object

interface MockServer extends Server {
  request: ((method: string, url: string) => Promise<MockedResponse>) &
    ((method: string, url: string, headers: Headers) => Promise<MockedResponse>) &
    ((method: string, url: string, headers: Headers, body: string) => Promise<MockedResponse>) &
    ((method: string, url: string, headers: Headers, body: string, properties: object) => Promise<MockedResponse>) &
    ((definition: MockedRequestDefinition) => Promise<MockedResponse>)

function mock (configuration: Configuration, mockedHandlers?: Handlers): Promise<MockServer>

Types definitions for mock

Mocking requests

The mock method accepts a configuration and returns a server object augmented with a request method to simulate incoming requests.

const assert = require('assert')
const { mock, body, send } = require('reserve')

  mappings: [{
    method: 'POST',
    match: '/test',
    custom: async (request, response) => {
      const { name } = await body(request).json()
      return send(response, `Hello ${name} !`)
  // Must wait for the mock to be ready
  .then(mocked => new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
      .on('ready', () => resolve(mocked))
      .on('error', reason => reject(reason))
  // Simulate a request
  .then(() => mocked.request('POST', '/test', { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify({ name: 'Arnaud' })))
  // Response is returned when ready to be read, .toString() gives the body content 
  .then(response => {
      assert.strictEqual(response.toString(), 'Hello Arnaud !')

Example of mock

Call the request method to simulate an incoming request, it supports two different signatures :

[!NOTE] properties is a dictionary merged to the mocked request to simulate members like socket.

The method returns a promise resolving to a mocked response extending ServerResponse with the following members :

Member Type Description
toString() string Gives the response body
isInitial  boolean  The response is untouched (i.e. not processed)

[!IMPORTANT] headers are managed case insensitively in both Request and Response.

Mocking handlers

It is possible to specify mocked handlers (based on their actual implementation):

const { mock } = require('reserve')
  mappings: [{
    file: '$1'
}, {
  file: {
    redirect: async ({ request, mapping, redirect, response }) => {
      if (redirect === '/') {
        response.writeHead(201, {
          'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
          'Content-Length': 6
      } else {
        return 500
  .then(mocked => new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
      .on('ready', () => resolve(mocked))
      .on('error', reason => reject(reason))
  .then(mocked => mocked.request('GET', '/'))
    .then(response => {
      assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 201)
      assert.strictEqual(response.toString(), 'MOCKED')

Example of mocking the file handler