Consider the sample code below. This pattern is used to inject a [polyfill]( of an API when the native implementation does not exist *(here the API to inject is myApi but it could be [Promise](*. Very often, the scripting host offers a keyword that gives access to the global scope (such as [window]( in browsers or [global]( in [NodeJS]( But what happens if such a keyword does not exist (as in [Nashorn]( or it is made unavailable on purpose *(check the source code of this exercise)*? Rules are: * You can only type code in the your_solution_here placeholder, use the field below and press Submit to test it * The solution does not require any external library and should work for any host
"use strict"; (function () { var globalScope = your_solution_here; assert("function" === typeof globalScope.Promise); if (!globalScope.myApi) { globalScope.myApi = function () { assert(true); }; } }()); myApi();